accounts receivable

[əˌkaʊnts rɪˈsiːvəbl]
  • 释义
  • 应收账款,应收账;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The author shows us how to strengthen internal audit of accounts receivable to prevent sales risk.


  • 2、

    Bad Debt A loan or accounts receivable that is unlikely to be repaid.


  • 3、

    Neither should we credit the accounts receivable controlling account in the general ledger.


  • 4、

    A business acquires an accounts receivable when merchandise or services are sold to customers on credit.


  • 5、

    Assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property rights, equipment and patents.

    资产包括现金 、 应收账款 、 待销存货 、 产权 、 设备及专利.

  • 6、

    Corporate accounting departments should timely accounting, accounts receivable reflect the situation correctly.

    企业财会部门应及时核算, 正确反映应收账款情况.

  • 7、

    K & W's investment in accounts receivable and inventories has decreased 20 %.


  • 8、

    The ratio is computed by dividing annual net sales by average accounts receivable.


  • 9、

    Maintain subsidiary ledger for accounts payable, accounts receivable, construction in progress , fixed assets, inventory etc.

    管理各分类帐户,如:应付帐款 、 应收帐款 、 固定资产 、 存货管理等.

  • 10、

    Fifth, the Ministry of Finance and marketing accounts receivable collection responsibility to clear.

    第五, 对财务部和市场部的应收账款催收责任进行了明确.

  • 11、

    This shall include purchasing, accounts receivable, cash sales, accounts payable, credit control, costing, ledger and payroll.

    这包括相关的采购 、 应收账款 、 现金销售 、 应付帐款 、 信用管控 、 成本控制 、 帐目整理和薪酬事项.

  • 12、

    Use the sales journal, the cash receipts journal, and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.

    使用销售日记账, 现金日记账, 和应收款明细分类账.

  • 13、

    Efforts have been made to explore possibilities of providing lease financing and accounts receivable financing.


  • 14、

    In this article, all of the theoretical description is to promote the accounts receivable.


  • 15、

    Companies which product unsalable inventory decline, asset impairment and increase in accounts receivable and so on.

    公司出现产品滞销、存货跌价 、 资产减值及应收帐款增加等问题.

  • 16、

    Accounts receivable are treated as a current asset on a balance sheet.


  • 17、

    Adds an accounts receivable symbol to your workflow flowchart.


  • 18、

    So, they should be recorded in other ledger accounts, such as Office Supplies and accounts Receivable.

    所以它们应记入其它分类帐帐户, 如像办公用品和应收帐款中.

  • 19、

    Accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover are two financial ratios we often use.


  • 20、

    Therefore, the enterprise accounts receivable management research becoming increasingly important.

    因此, 对企业应收账款的管理研究显得日益重要.

  • 21、

    Oversight of cash management, including accounts receivable and accounts payable.

    监督现金管理, 包括应收和应付账目.

  • 22、

    Sales accountant clear accounts receivable base on the cash receipts.


  • 23、

    We have a lot tied up in accounts receivable.


  • 24、

    Accounts Receivable Money owed to the company by its'customers.


  • 25、

    Overdue accounts receivable bear interest with reference to the Hong Kong dollar prime rate.


  • 26、

    Second, in building systems to develop series of accounts receivable related to management systems.

    第二, 在制度建设上,制定了一系列的应收账款相关管理制度.

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